Sunday, January 13, 2019

I Have a Secret

I have a secret.  I am a writer.  I know that doesn’t sound like much of a secret, lots of people write. But writing is a conversation. I am asking readers to listen, which means I think I must have something worthy to say.

I began writing when I was eight years old. Plots and characters would appear in my mind during chores and my free time. But when I put pen to paper, I struggled. My dyslexia always getting in the way.  I had my first success when I was thirteen, winning a national writing contest. I won honorable mention the year later in the same competition.  My second achievement was an article I wrote for the school newspaper which was reprinted in two local newspapers, one in Georgia and the other in Charleston SC. 

Then I had my first major failure in college when I took the writing placement exams. The exam’s main purpose was to evaluate if a student could read and write English on a basic level. I failed the writing exam, twice. I found out later it was due to my spelling and grammar errors. The failure knocked any hope I had of being a career writer out of my mind. I thought writers don’t fail elementary placement exams, ever.

So, I shelved my dreams, instead choosing to go for something for practical; social work. I forgot all about writing until about five years ago when it saved my life. I had just moved to Israel and was struggling.  I was told to just learn Hebrew, and all would be well. I went to Ulpan for three years; a course for new immigrants to study the language. I also tried Rosetta Stone, tutors and Duolingo. My Hebrew level stayed the same, basic. I felt confused and stupid every single day.  I thought about returning to America, but my family was so happy here. I’d be selfish to make them go back.  Life became lifeless. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipper came around and I didn’t ask for good health or long life, in fact, I didn’t ask for life at all. I began saying goodbye. That’s when a small voice whispered, “write.”

I hushed it at first, telling it that I’m dyslexic and can’t even pass a straightforward writing exam. I was afraid of people’s judgment, reproval, and rejection.  The voice made me a deal, however. Write for a year, just one year and see what happens. So, I sat down to my computer and I wrote. Words became pages and soon pages became chapters and then chapters became books.
Now that you know my secret, I hope you will share my journey as my first manuscript makes its way into the world.


In my next post, I will explore censorship and overcoming my need for approval. 


  1. Fantastic! Writing is cathartic. Nobody 'can't write'. Some people just need to do it their way without the pressure. I am so glad that you found your mojo again.

    1. You're right, everyone has the ability. It's the negative self talk that hold us back. Thanks so much for kind words they meant a lot to me!

  2. What a wonderful introduction. Thank you for sharing your 'secret'.

    1. Thanks so much for kind words. They meant a lot to me!

  3. Well done! I began my blog with a secret. I didn't even use my name. I'm glad it's all out now. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much for kind words. They mean a lot to me! Do you still have a blog? I would like to read it.

  4. Amazing! Cant wait to read more! We miss you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow, beautiful writing! Good for you for overcoming the challenging technicalities in your way, and helping yourself and now others as well . Very heroic

  7. The term "strong woman" gets bandied about a lot in recent years, but you, Devorah, are the real deal. Sincerely. You just might be the most courageous woman I know. Your post made me cry- I love you so, so much, kid!! Keep living your best life- a catch phrase people might joke about yet secretly asprire to, while here you are actually living it!!! Hugs. I'm beyond proud of you.

  8. We used to read your articles in the paper when u were still in highschool and always found them to be beautifully written and thought provoking. May u be blessed with much success in getting your beautiful writing out into the world and impact all who read it with your light

  9. Helene, thank you for your beautiful words!
